Mission Statement

Stated briefly for memory, “Cornerstone Baptist Church loves God in worship, loves one another in unity and loves the lost in outreach.”

A more fleshed out explanation is as follows:

Cornerstone Baptist Church loves God in worship by pursuing God in truth; praying to God because we are in absolute dependence; praising God because there is no greater joy; and waiting on God because it is His hand that works.

Cornerstone believers love one another in unity and humility by serving one another’s needs in deference to the other; encouraging one another in sanctification and service; and teaching one another in the truth of the Scriptures.

Cornerstone loves the lost in outreach by sharing the gospel individually; serving our neighbors selflessly; and investing ourselves missionally to reach the nations for the glory of our Lord.





      We, being born-again and Bible-believing Christians by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; believing the Bible to be the divinely inspired and authoritative Word of God and final authority for all Christian faith and practice; accepting the historic Baptist distinctives; in the interests of growth in grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ through worship and work; and that we might fulfill our responsibilities to propagate the Word of God both at home and abroad; and to contend earnestly for the faith (Jude 1:3); and that “all things might be done decently and in order” (I Cor. 14:40); we do, therefore, band ourselves together as a body of immersed believers in Jesus Christ and hereby adopt the following constitution as the statement of our faith and principles for the government of our local church.





      The registered corporate name of this organization shall be: Cornerstone Baptist Church.  The church may elect to conduct its ministries under different names much like other corporations “doing business as” (dba) other names without re-filing its corporate charter with the State of Minnesota.





      The purpose of this church shall be to accomplish the will of the Lord Jesus Christ through the uniting of Christians in fellowship faithful to the Word of God, through the preaching of the whole counsel of God, for spiritual edification of saints, the winning of lost sinners to Christ, the propagation of the Gospel both at home and abroad, and for the observance of the ordinances.





SECTION I.  Statement of Faith.


A.    The Holy Scriptures.  We believe the Holy Scriptures, consisting of the Old and

New Testaments only, to be the plenarily, verbally inspired Word of God, inerrant in the original manuscripts, authoritative, infallible and God-breathed; and that they are the only supreme and ultimate authority for faith and practice (II Tim. 3:16-17; II Pet. 1:20-21; Matt. 5:18; I Cor. 2:10-13).


B.    The Godhead.  We believe in one triune God, existing in three persons, Father,

Son, and Holy Spirit, eternal in being, identical in essence, equal in power and glory and having the same divine attributes and perfections; yet exercising them in varied offices (Deut. 6:4; Matt. 28:19; John 14:7-12; John 16:7; II Cor. 13:14).


C.    The Person and Work of Jesus Christ.


            1.  We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, became man, without ceasing to be God, having been conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary, in order that He might reveal God and redeem sinful man (Matt. 1:18-20; John 1:1,2,14,18; Luke 1:35).


2.     We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ died for our sins according to the

Scriptures, as a substitutionary sacrifice, and that all who receive Him are justified on the ground of His shed blood (Rom. 3:24-26; 4:25; I Cor. 15:3-4; II Cor. 5:21).


3.     We believe in the resurrection of the crucified body of our Lord Jesus Christ

and that our redemption and salvation is guaranteed to us by His literal, physical resurrection from the dead; in His bodily ascension into heaven; and in His present life there for us as High Priest and Intercessor (Matt. 28:5,6; I Cor. 15:12-19; Acts 1:9;

Heb. 4:14-16; 7:23-25; 9:24; I John 2:1-2).


            4.  We believe in “that blessed hope” which is the personal, visible, pretribulational, premillennial, and imminent return of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ (I Cor. 15:51-53; I Thess. 4:14-17; Titus 2:13; I John 3:2-3).


D.    The Second Coming of Christ.  We believe in the personal, pretribulational,

imminent coming of the Lord Jesus Christ for His own, the church, and His subsequent personal, premillennial return visibly to the earth to establish His kingdom and to reign for a millennium over the entire earth from the throne of David (II Sam. 7:12-16;

Zech. 14:4-11; Luke 1:30-33; Acts 15:14-18; I Thess. 4:13-18; I Cor. 15:51-52;

Rev. 19:11-16; 20:6).


E.    The Personality of the Holy Spirit.  We believe that the Holy Spirit is a Divine

Person, equal with the Father and the Son and of the same substance and nature; that He convicts the world of sin, righteousness and judgment; bears witness to the truth; is the agent of the new birth; and that He seals, endues, guides, teaches, witnesses to, sanctifies, and helps the believer; that He baptizes them into the Church, the Body of Christ, indwells them permanently, seals them unto the day of redemption, bestows spiritual gifts upon each one, and fills for service those yielded to Him.  We believe that certain of the spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit to the Church such as apostleship, prophecy, and tongues were temporary, were needed only in the infancy of the church and are not to be expected today.


      We believe that the Holy Spirit testifies concerning Jesus Christ and never leads any person, at any time, contrary to the teaching of the Bible (John 3:8; 14:16; 15:26-27; 16:7-15; Acts 5:1-4; I Cor. 12:4-13; I Cor. 13:8-11; Eph. 4:30; 5:18).



F.     The Total Depravity of Man.  We believe that man was created in the image and

likeness of God, but that in Adam’s sin the race fell and thereby incurred not only physical death, but also spiritual death, which is separation from God; and that all mankind have inherited a sinful nature, became willful sinners with the first expression of personal choice, are totally unable to regain their former position, and are without excuse before God (Gen. 1:26; 3:1-24; Rom. 3:23; 5:12; 1:20; Eph 2:1-6,12).


G.    Salvation, Regeneration, Eternal Security of the Believer.


1.  We believe that salvation is a gift of God brought to men by grace and

received through personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, whose blood was shed on Calvary for the forgiveness of sins.  Salvation is solely through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ who shed His blood for the forgiveness of our sins and, being a gift, is not earned by any good works whatsoever.  All those who receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior are regenerated and become sons of God (Eph. 1:7; 2:8-9; John 1:2; 3:5-7).


2.     We believe that the Scriptures teach that regeneration, or the new birth, is that

change in the soul by the Holy Spirit by which a new nature and spiritual life, not before possessed, are imparted, and the person becomes a new creation in Christ Jesus; and without it salvation is impossible (John 3:3-6; II Cor. 5:17; I Peter 1:23; Titus 3:5).


3.     We believe that the salvation of every believer is secure for all eternity from

the moment of regeneration.  This security is guaranteed to each believer by the fact that the life received is eternal life, by the keeping power of God, by he sealing ministry of the Holy Spirit, and by the interceding ministry of Christ (John 5:24; 10:27-30;

Rom. 8:1,29-30,38-39; Eph. 4:30; Heb. 7:25).


H.    Sanctification.  We believe that immediate, positional sanctification is that act of

God whereby believers are, at the time of regeneration, eternally set apart as belonging to Him by redemption, thereby being placed in the family of God as children, joint heirs with Jesus Christ (I John 3:1; Rom. 8:14-17; I Cor. 1:2; Heb. 10:10-14).


      We believe that progressive sanctification is the process by which, according to God’s will, we are made partakers of His holiness; that it is progressive; that it is begun in regeneration; that it progresses if the believer is yielded to the Holy Spirit’s control; that it is carried on in the hearts of believers by the presence and power of the Holy Spirit through the Word of God, self-examination, watchfulness and prayer (I Thess. 4:3; 5:23; Prov. 4:18; I John 2:29; Phil. 2:12-13; Eph. 6:18; John 17:17).


      We believe that ultimate sanctification will be the portion of every believer when finally in the presence of the Lord, complete and entire, with soul and spirit united in the resurrected body free from every trace or effect of sin and rebellion (I John 3:2;

I Cor. 15:52-54; Eph. 4:30; 5:27; Phil. 4:20-21).

I.      Separation.  We believe in the Biblical doctrine of separation which encompasses

three things:  (1) the separation of the local church from all affiliation and fellowship with those who deny the verities of the “faith once delivered to the saints;” (2) the separation of the individual believer from all worldly practices that may dishonor the Savior; and (3) the separation of church and state (II Tim. 3:1-5; Rom 12:1-2: 14:13;

I John 2:15-17; II John 9-11; II Cor. 6:11-7:1).


J.  The Eternal State.  We believe that the souls of those who have trusted in the Lord

Jesus Christ for salvation do at death immediately pass into His presence and there remain in conscious bliss until the resurrection of the body at His coming when soul and body reunited shall be associated with Him forever in glory; but, that the souls of unbelievers remain after death in conscious misery unto the final judgment of the Great White Throne at the close of the millennium, when soul and body reunited shall be cast into the lake of fire from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power

(Luke 16:19-26; 23:43; II Cor. 5:8; Phil. 1:23; II Thess. 1:7-9; Rev. 20:11-15; 14:9-14;

I Thess. 4:13-18).


K.  The Church.  We believe in the church – a living, spiritual body of which Christ is

the Head (Matt. 16:16-18; I Cor. 12:12-13; Gal. 3:27; Eph. 1:22-23; 5:25-27).


      We believe that each local church is a visible expression of the Body of Christ and is a congregation of believers in Jesus Christ immersed upon a credible confession of faith, and associated together by covenant for worship, evangelism, and observance of the ordinances, and fellowship.  We believe that the local church is the center of God’s program for this age, and that every Christian is bound by Scripture to give his unhindered cooperation to the program of His local church (Acts 2:41-47; 14:27; 20:17;

I Tim. 3:1-16; Titus 1:5-11; I Cor. 3:10-17; 5:1-5; 11:2).


L.  The Church’s Ordinances.  We believe that the Lord Jesus instituted two

ordinances, baptism and the Lord’s Supper, to be observed by all believers until His return.


      We believe that baptism is the immersion in water of a believer in Christ, into the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit to show forth by solemn and beautiful symbolism, the believer’s identification with Christ in His death, burial and resurrection, and that it is a Scriptural prerequisite to church membership (Matt. 28:19; Acts 8:36; Rom. 6:3-5; I Pet. 3:21; Acts 2:38-41).


      We believe that the Lord’s Supper is partaking of bread and the fruit of the vine, as symbols of Christ’s body and blood, commemorating His suffering and death for us and our continual benefit therefrom; that participation should be limited to those who have united to the local church by baptism and testimony, or to those who are baptized members of churches of like faith and practice, and that participation should be preceded by careful self-examination (I Cor. 11:23-32; 5:1-5; Matt. 18:15-17).

      M.  The Great Commission.  We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ has commissioned the Church to take the Gospel to the world, and that evangelism at home and abroad should be primary in the program of the local church (Matt. 28:19-20; Acts 1:8).


N.  The Responsibility of Believers.  We believe that all believers should seek to walk

by the Spirit, not bringing reproach upon their Lord and Savior, exercising Christian liberty regulated by love, separated from worldly pleasures and practices, separated from organizational association with apostate groups (Rom. 12:1-2; Gal. 6:16; II Cor. 6:14-7:1; I Cor. 8:1-13).


      We believe that it is the responsibility of all believers to witness by life and by word to the truths of the Holy Scriptures and to assume responsibility for the propagation of the gospel to all the world (Matt. 28:19-20; Acts 1:8).


      We believe that is the responsibility of all believers to remember the work of the local church and its extension ministries in prayer, to support it with their tithes and offerings as the Lord prospers them, to participate in all the regular services of the Church as the Lord enables, and to voluntarily submit to the watchcare and discipline of the local church (I Cor. 16:2; Heb. 10:19-25; 13:17-18).


      O.  Creation.  We believe that God created the heavens and the earth, including all life, “each after its own kind,” by direct act, and not by any process of evolution and that the days of creation in Genesis Chapter 1 were solar, that is, twenty-four hour days

(Gen. 1 & 2; Col. 1:16-17; John 1:3; Ex. 20:9,11; 31:17).


SECTION II.  Doctrinal Agreement.


      A.  The following persons shall indicate agreement with the doctrinal position of the church by signing the statement of faith:  Pastor, all elected or appointed church officers, all officers, teachers, and leaders in the Sunday School, youth program, and all other church organizations.  There shall be no unofficial church organizations, and all officers, teachers and leaders shall be members of this church.


      B.  Should an individual included in Section II.A. above, change his or her doctrinal position and become in disagreement with the Statement of Faith, that individual shall be obligated to resign from the place of responsibility.  Should it come to the attention of the Pastor and the Deacons that such an individual has changed in doctrinal position but has not resigned, it shall be the responsibility of the Pastor and the Deacons to recommend to the congregation the immediate removal of the individual from the place of responsibility and leadership.





      This church is an autonomous Baptist church under the headship of Christ and the leadership of God-given pastors.  Affiliation shall be only with such organizations and associations which manifest both by statement and practice their agreement with the faith and practice set forth in this constitution.  Upon an announcement made at least two (2) successive Sundays prior to the date of voting and upon a majority vote of members present and voting, the church may choose to affiliate or to disaffiliate with a local, state, or national association of churches; or it may, for reasons known to itself, choose to remain unaffiliated with any group of churches.  In the event that it does affiliate with an association of churches, such affiliation shall be understood to affect in no way the rights, powers, and privileges of the church, either as relates to its property or the operation of its affairs.  Withdrawal from any and all affiliations shall in no wise jeopardize its property.





SECTION I.  Qualifications for Membership.


      Persons desiring membership in this church must give public testimony of their faith in Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.  They must be or have been baptized by immersion following their conversion.  Legal members with full voting rights shall be 18 years of age or older.


      Application for membership may be by profession of faith in Christ, by reaffirmation of faith, or by letter from another church of like faith and practice.


SECTION II.  Receiving of Members.


      Persons applying for membership shall appear before the Pastor and the Deacons to give testimony of their salvation to indicate their willingness to abide by the Constitution and Covenant of the church, and to answer any questions concerning their experiences and faith that the Deacons might desire to ask.


      After candidates for membership have been approved by the Pastor and the Deacons, the Pastor shall recommend them to the congregation for acceptance.  Unbaptized candidates shall be baptized at the next subsequent baptismal service, at which time they shall become members of this church.


      Candidates shall be received into the membership by a majority voice vote at any regular church service.  Any member voicing a dissenting vote shall appear immediately before the Pastor and Deacons and give Scriptural reasons supporting his dissention, upon which the Pastor and Deacons shall rule valid or invalid and so report back to the service.  If the dissention is ruled valid, the application shall be held in abeyance pending further investigation and attempted correction by the Deacons.


SECTION III.  Dismissal of Members.


      Persons may be dismissed from the membership roll by a simple majority of eligible voting members present at any regular church service under the following circumstances:


      A.  At the personal request of the individual.


      B.  When the individual places membership in another church.  If it is requested, and, if the other church is of like faith and practice, a letter of commendation shall be forwarded to the other church, provided the member is in good standing at the time of leaving.


      C.  When the individual is dismissed from membership as part of disciplinary action taken in accordance with the provisions for the discipline of members given below.


      D.  When a member is inactive in the church and after being repeatedly encouraged by the Pastor, Deacons, and other interested members refuses to become active in the church, their name shall be dropped from the church role at the next annual business meeting.


SECTION IV.  Discipline of Members.


      A.  If a member errs in conduct or doctrine, all disciplinary action shall be conducted in accordance with Matt. 18:15-18; Titus 3:10; and I Tim. 5:19.


      B.  If a member errs in conduct or doctrine, the member who has that knowledge, shall in brotherly love, attempt to admonish and correct him.  If he does not heed this advice, the Pastor and Deacons shall be notified, who shall also admonish him.  When the Pastor and Deacons have admonished an errant member, and admonition and reconciliation have failed, the Pastor and Deacons shall bring to the church body a recommendation to rescind the errant member’s voting privilege.  Such privilege shall be reinstated when reconciliation has been accomplished.  Both the rescindment and reinstatement of voting privilege shall be by simple majority vote.  If the error continues, the Pastor and Deacons shall report the case to a business meeting of the church.  The errant member shall be notified of the time and place of the church business meeting at which time these charges shall be preferred and shall be invited to answer these charges.


      C.  If the member fails to respond to the invitation to answer the charges against him or her, the church may, upon presentation of the charges, withdraw from him the hand of church fellowship.


      D.  The exclusion of a disciplined member must be acted upon by the church which alone has the authority.  Any erring member, when admonition and reconciliation have failed, who is recommended for dismissal by the Pastor and the Deacons can only be dismissed by a majority vote by secret ballot of the voting members present.  Such a vote shall only be taken after written notification to the charged member and at a business meeting of the church whose purpose and time have been announced at least one week prior to it.


      If a member who has erred in conduct or doctrine shall voluntarily confess it to the church, and manifest repentance, no further proceedings, except in cases of public scandal, shall be entertained against him.  If a person responds to the action of discipline by demonstrating sincere repentance, he or she shall be given opportunity to confess publicly to the congregation and to request forgiveness.  Upon such spiritual restoration and at a recommendation of the Pastor and Deacons, the congregation may by majority vote, restore the person to full membership.  In cases involving fornication, restoration shall not include the right to hold the office of Pastor or Deacon.



      Having been led, as we believe, by the Spirit of God, to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior,


      And on the profession of our faith, having been baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost,


      We do now, in the presence of God, angels and this assembly, most solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant with one another, as one body in Christ.


      We engage, therefore, by the aid of the Holy Spirit, to walk together in Christian love; to strive for the advancement of this church, in knowledge, holiness, and comfort;


      To promote its prosperity and spirituality; to sustain its worship, ordinances, discipline, and doctrines;


      To contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the expenses of the church, to the ministry of the saints, and the spread of the Gospel through all nations.


      We also engage to maintain family and secret devotions; to bring our children up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord; to seek the salvation of our kindred and acquaintances;


      To walk circumspectly in the world; to be just in our dealings, faithful in our engagements, and exemplary in our deportment;


      To avoid all tattling, backbiting and excessive anger;


      To abstain from the sale and the recreational use and abuse of drugs.


      We further engage to watch over one another in brotherly love;


      To remember each other in prayer; to aid each other in sickness and distress; to cultivate Christian sympathy in feeling and courtesy in speech;


      To be slow to take offense, but always ready for reconciliation, and mindful of the rules of our Savior to secure it without delay.


      We moreover engage that when we remove from this place we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church, where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God’s Word.


      We will not bring lawsuit against the Pastor, Deacons or church staff in the performance of their ministries.



SECTION I.  Scriptural Qualifications.


      His qualifications shall reflect the requirements as stated in I Tim. 3:1-6 and

Titus 1:5-9 (cf. also I Tim. 6:10-12; II Tim. 4:1-5; I Peter 5:1-3; Acts 20:17-35).


SECTION II.  Selection of a New Pastor.


      A.  The Deacons shall constitute the Pulpit Committee to secure possible candidates for the pastorate when such has been vacated.  They shall interview each candidate and endeavor to hear him speak before recommending him as a candidate.  If there are not three Deacons available to form the Pulpit Committee, the balance of the Committee shall be voted in by the majority vote of the church body.


      B.  Each candidate shall preach in one or more of the public services of the church.


      C.  Each candidate shall be voted upon before considering another.  No vote shall be taken until at least one week has expired following the candidate’s appearance at the church.


      D.  The Pastor shall be called by a majority vote of the members present and voting.  Notice of the meeting shall be given in at least two regular meetings of the church prior to the election.  The vote shall be by written ballot.


      E.  The Deacons shall be responsible to notify the pastor-elect, to report his acceptance to the congregation, and to make arrangements for his moving.


      F.  Parsonage requirements for the Pastor’s occupancy shall be the responsibility of the Deacons.


SECTION III.  Duties of the Pastor.


      A.  Upon assuming his duties as Pastor, he shall become a member of this church and shall be the Moderator of this church and ex officio member of all boards and committees.


      B.  The Pastor shall have spiritual oversight of all the work of the church.


      C.  It shall be the duty of the Pastor to devote himself and his time to the service of the church, preaching the Word of God and administering the ordinances.  He shall watch over himself and his flock, visiting, as far as time permits, all the members of the church, especially the sick and shut-ins.  He shall lead the church in the work of evangelism and shall make himself available for pastoral counseling when needed.


      D.  The Pastor shall be allowed time for special services elsewhere, including Sundays.


SECTION IV.  Pastoral Benefits.


      A.  Salary.  The Pastor shall receive a salary adequate for meeting the financial needs of his family, a sum agreed to by mutual agreement between Pastor and church and paid in accordance with a mutual agreement.


      B.  Vacation.  The Pastor shall be granted an annual vacation with full pay, the length of which shall be determined by mutual agreement between Pastor and Deacons.  Time spent in special services, camps, or other engagements shall not be considered part of vacation.


      C.  Benefits:  The Pastor shall receive benefits adequate for his needs.


SECTION V.  Pastor’s Term of Office.


      A.  He shall serve for an indefinite period of time with the reciprocal rights to terminate his services upon thirty days notice.


      B.  Accusations against the Pastor shall be submitted to the Deacons, and shall not be considered unless supported by the testimony of two or three or more witnesses (I Tim. 5:19).  The deacons and any other pastors shall confront the erring pastor.  If the matter is unable to be reconciled or found to disqualify the pastor from service, the matter shall be presented by the deacons to the church which alone has authority to act.


      C.  The Pastor may be dismissed by majority vote of the eligible members present and voting, after it has been announced at two regular meetings immediately prior to this meeting.  The vote shall be by written ballot.


      D.  If the Pastor is dismissed, he shall vacate the pulpit immediately, but shall receive thirty days pay.  He shall vacate the parsonage within thirty days of his dismissal, or at the discretion of the church.




SECTION I.  Licensing.


      A.  Any male member who, in the judgment of this church, has given evidence of his piety, zeal and aptness to teach, that he is called of God to the work of the ministry, after having preached in the hearing of the church, may be licensed to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, provided a majority of the members present and voting at any regular church meeting shall agree thereto.


      B.  The license shall be terminated by similar action of the church for conduct adjudged unbecoming a licensed preacher of the Gospel, or upon request by the individual, or upon his removal of his membership from the church.


SECTION II.  Ordaining.


A.  Requirements for Ordination.


      This church recognizes the fact that only God can call a man to the ministry of the Gospel but believes it both Scriptural and wise to have such a man commended to the ministry of the Gospel by a local church.  The following are some of the normal qualifications to be met by those seeking ordination of this church.


            1.  A personal knowledge of Christ as Savior.


            2.  A high moral character with an evidence of spirituality in daily life.


            3.  His academic preparation shall be adequate, normally consisting of three years of seminary work and of sound spiritual and mental aggressiveness.  This requirement may be waived if, in the judgment of the council and church, the candidate merits exception.


            4.  A complete agreement with the doctrinal position of this church and with its constitution and covenant.


            5.  A written statement of belief and practice regarding the doctrines of the Bible to be presented to all the members of the examining council.


            6.  An oral examination before the examining council in which questions shall be asked relative to the candidate’s Christian experience, his call to the ministry, and his knowledge of the Bible and Christian Doctrine.


      B.  Procedure for Ordination.


            1.  If this church, by a majority of vote of its members present at any regular church service, decides that one of its members possesses the Scriptural qualifications for full ordination, the church shall proceed in routine manner to call an examining council.  Ministers and messengers from surrounding churches who are in agreement with this constitution may be invited to assist in the examining council.


            2.  Upon the recommendation of the examining council, the church may ordain the candidate, inviting other churches to assist in the service also.


            3.  Such ordination may be revoked for doctrinal defection and/or immorality by majority vote of the church.





SECTION I.  Their Qualifications.


      A.  Their character shall reflect the requirements as stated in Acts 6:3 and

I Timothy 3:8-13.  No officer of this church may be a member of a secret order or lodge nor may he/she use tobacco or drugs recreationally in any form.  No divorced person may hold the office of Pastor or Deacon.


      B.  They shall be members of this church and shall subscribe wholeheartedly to its doctrinal statement and constitution.


SECTION II.  The Nature of Officers.


      A.  Elected officers by the church.


            1.  Pastor

            2.  Assistant to the Pastor, if and when required

            3.  Deacons

            4.  Treasurer

            5.  Financial Secretary

            6.  Church Clerk

            7.  Christian Education Director

            8.  Auditors (as needed)


      B.  Appointed by Pastor as needed.


            1.  Head Usher

            2.  Choir director, organist, pianist, and their substitutes


SECTION III.  The Organization of the Church Officers.


      A.  Deacons.


      There shall be a minimum of three (3) male members of the church serving as Deacons, if there are this many who possess the qualifications.  Additional Deacons, until a minimum of five (5) have been elected, for the first one hundred (100) members, shall be added after which one Deacon for each fifty (50) members shall be added.


      The church clerk shall submit to the nominating committee the names on the membership roll prior to their meeting to select candidates for the annual election.


      The Deacons shall comprise the trustees of the Cornerstone Baptist Church.  If there are not three male members to qualify as Deacons, then an appropriate number of trustees shall be elected to fulfill the state requirements.


SECTION IV.  Duties of Officers.


      A.  Duties of Elected Officers.


            1.  Deacons.


                  a.  The Deacons shall be ready to assist the Pastor in spiritual matters.


                  b.  The Deacons shall elect a chairman from among themselves, and shall be responsible for the leadership of church services in the Pastor’s absence.  They shall also elect an assistant chairman who shall act as secretary and preside in the absence of the chairman.


                  c.  The Pastor and Deacons shall interview and examine each applicant for church membership.


                  d.  The Pastor, or chairman of Deacons when the church is without a Pastor, shall call special business meetings when necessary.


                  e.  The Deacons shall assist the Pastor in administering the ordinances, visitation, caring for the sick and needy and such other duties as the church may delegate to them.


                  f.  The Pastor and Deacons shall be in charge of all disciplinary measures and shall carry out such in accordance with provisions of this constitution.


                  g.  The Deacons shall direct the financial needs of the church, exercise proper supervision over church property, arrange for payment of church salaries, submit an inventory of all church properties to the annual meeting of the church.  The trustees shall not make disposition of, or purchase any property for the church except as has been budgeted by the church.  Repairs and other disbursements shall be made as necessary.


                  h.  The Deacons shall appoint two (2) persons to count the church offerings.  All offerings shall be counted on the church premises before the money is deposited.


                  i.  The Deacons shall annually appoint a Budget Committee to review the church budget and finances and present a proposed budget for the coming year.  The proposed budget shall be presented to the Deacons first, who shall in turn recommend it to the church for adoption at the annual meeting.


            2.  Church Treasurer.


                  a.  The church treasurer shall maintain an accurate and auditable record of the finances of the church.


                  b.  The church treasurer shall receive from the Financial Secretary a record of all funds of the church and make disbursements as authorized by the church or Board of Deacons.


                  c.  The church treasurer shall make a monthly report of receipts and disbursements to the Board of Deacons. 


                  d.  The church treasurer shall present a written report of receipts and disbursements to each quarterly business meeting of the church.


                  e.  When the financial records are audited, they shall be audited following the close of the fiscal year and an auditor’s report presented to the church at the next quarterly business meeting.  The Deacons shall see that the auditor’s report is presented.


            3.  Financial Secretary.


                  a.  The financial secretary shall receive, record, and deposit all funds contributed to the church.


                  b.  The financial secretary shall keep a complete record of all individual contributions.  He shall be prepared to make reports to the Pastor, Deacons, or trustees at any time upon request.


                  c.  The financial secretary shall provide a written statement of gifts to each contributory annually.


4.  Church Clerk.


                  a.  The clerk shall keep full minutes of all transactions of the church at its business meetings.


                  b.  The clerk shall keep an accurate record of the membership of the church.


                  c.  The clerk shall keep a record of the names of all who are baptized with the date of baptism.


                  d.  The clerk shall keep a record of the admission, dismissal, and death of members, showing the date of event and note the same briefly on the register.


                  e.  The clerk shall be responsible for writing letters of transfer or dismissal upon recommendation of the church.


                  f.  The clerk shall conduct the correspondence of the church when so instructed.


            5.  Christian Education Director.


                  a.  The Christian Education Director shall have general supervision of the Christian Education.


                  b.  The Christian Education Director shall, with the Pastor, be responsible for selection of Christian education materials and faculty.


            6.  Assistant Christian Education Director.


                  The Assistant Christian Education Director shall be responsible for the duties of the Director when he is absent.


            7.  Auditor.


                  He shall audit financial records of the church and present a report at the next quarterly business meeting.


      B.  Duties of Appointed Officers and Committees.


      All appointed officers and committees shall execute the functions normally expected of them under the supervision of the Pastor.  The Pastor shall define for the appointed officers and committees their responsibilities.




SECTION I.  Elected Officers and Their Tenure.


      A.  All offices of elective status shall be filled at the annual meeting of the church.


      B.  Tenure of office shall be one year, except for Deacons, who shall be elected for a period of three years and in such manner that a third of their number retire each year and an equal number elected.  They shall hold office until a successor is elected and installed.


      C.  An individual may be elected to more than one office provided they are qualified and can fulfill all the responsibilities of each office held.


      D.  Assumption of office date shall be immediately upon election.


SECTION II.  Nominating Committee.


      A.  The Membership of the Nominating Committee.


      The nominating committee shall consist of the Pastor (as chairman), Deacons, and two adult church members.  The Deacons shall present a list of nominees from the church membership at large from which the church shall elect two members to serve on the nominating committee.  These two committee members shall be elected at the third quarterly business meeting.  The nominating committee shall elect a secretary from among their own number.


      B.  The Responsibility of the Nominating Committee.


            1.  The nominating committee shall select the candidates from the church membership at large it believes are best qualified for each elective office, one candidate for each office.  These candidates shall be notified and interviewed as to their agreement and ability to accept the office should they be elected.


            2.  The nominating committee shall prepare an election ballot and post this in a conspicuous place in the church at least three weeks before the election.  At a stated service, two weeks before the election, the church shall meet and additional nominations can be made from the floor.  This will eliminate any further nominations the night of the election.  The nominating committee will interview each of these further nominees and if they are agreeable to having their name thus placed, these names shall be added to the ballot.


SECTION III.  Vacancies.


      Upon any vacancies of office the Pastor, with the Deacons, shall appoint a qualified member to serve the balance of the year, at which time the church will elect a qualified member to fill the vacant office.  The appointment to fill an unexpired term of less than one year shall not be counted as part of a three-year term.


SECTION IV.  Requirements for Election.


      Candidates receiving a majority of votes cast shall be declared elected.


SECTION V.  Vote by Ballot.


      Elections shall be by written ballot.  The chairman of the meeting shall appoint tellers who shall collect, count the ballots and report to the meeting the results of the election.


SECTION VI.  Right to Vote.


      Resident members eighteen years of age and over shall have the right to vote.  As required by law, no one under eighteen years shall have the right to vote for Deacons.





SECTION I.  Worship Services.


      A.  The church shall meet regularly every Sunday for the public worship of the eternal God, and the proclamation of the Gospel of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.


      B.  Midweek Bible Study and Prayer Meetings as the church may designate.


      C.  Any other meetings as the church may designate.


      D.  The Lord’s Supper shall be observed at such regular intervals as the church may designate.


SECTION II.  Business Meetings.


      A.  All business meetings shall be opened and closed with prayer.


      B.  Annual Business Meeting.


            The Annual Business Meeting shall be held before the end of February at the beginning of each year and shall be announced at least one week in advance.

C.  Quarterly Business Meetings.


            The Quarterly Business Meetings shall be held before, during or after an evening service within six weeks of the quarter’s end.


      D.  Other Business Meetings.


            1.  Business meetings concerning church discipline or constitutional amendments shall be announced two Sundays prior to the meeting.


            2.  Necessary church business may be conducted at any regular church service as required.


      E.  Rules of Order.


            Parliamentary Procedure at a Glance and/or Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the parliamentary procedure.




      The members present in a regularly called meeting of the church shall constitute a quorum.





      It is recognized that this church may have within it various subsidiary organizations such as the Sunday School, men’s and women’s fellowships, youth groups, choirs and other organizations.


SECTION I.  Relation of these Groups to the Church.


      A.  All such groups shall be considered arms of the church and shall exist for the purpose of extending the ministry and outreach of the church for evangelistic purposes.


      B.  All such groups shall be governed by the Constitution of the church and any individual constitutions and procedures shall in no wise conflict with that of the church.


      C.  All officers of church organizations shall be members in good and regular standing in this church.  Any person ceasing to be a member in good standing shall automatically forfeit any offices he holds in any church organization and shall return within one week any monies, books, minutes or other property of the organization.


SECTION II.  Finances of Subsidiary Organizations.


      A.  All monies received in such organizations shall be deposited in bank accounts supervised by the financial secretary and church treasurer and properly recorded.


      B.  No organization shall financially support missionary projects separately from the church.





SECTION I.  Use of Buildings.


      The church buildings and facilities shall be used only for such meetings and activities as shall promote the Gospel and honor of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  The church building and facilities may be used for purposes deemed appropriate.


SECTION II.   Authority for Use of Buildings.


      The Pastor and the Deacons shall exercise the authority to permit the use of the buildings and shall refuse the use of the buildings for any meeting or activity contrary to church policy and belief.


SECTION III.  Weddings and Funerals.


      The church building may be used by members for weddings and funerals.  Others desiring the use of church and buildings for weddings and funerals must have the consent of the Pastor and the Deacons.


SECTION IV.  Profit Making.


      The buildings and facilities of this church shall not be used for profit making.


SECTION V.  Property Rights.


      Persons dismissed or who have withdrawn from the membership of the church have no right to make claim upon any of the church property and any such property in their possession shall be returned immediately.





            This church shall be supported by the voluntary giving of tithes and offerings by God’s people.  We believe that every Christian should seek to give systematically, regularly, proportionately, sacrificially and cheerfully of his substance to the Lord’s work through the local church (I Cor. 16:1-2; II Cor. 8-9).  No means such as raffles, suppers, rummage sales and other similar methods shall be used by the church to raise money for its support.





      Memorials may be received by the church.  The Pastor and Deacons shall supervise the details regarding memorials, and shall appoint a committee consisting of two Deacons together with the donor or donors, and this committee shall consult together regarding details.  All memorials involving real or personal property shall be acceptable to the Pastor and Deacons before being received.




(Revised January 2023)